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CvC Tournament improvements and more

Raid: Shadow Legends, developed by Plarium, has been given some new updates to improve your gaming experience. The recently released Raid Digest revealed the improvements that will enhance the game's pre-existing features. Released on October 6, 2023, on the official website of Plarium, this update further informed us that we're likely to witness more changes in the upcoming weeks.

This article will sum up these updates, including the Clan versus Clan Tournament improvements and many more forthcoming changes that will take effect very soon.

Raid: Shadow Legends brings Clan vs. Clan Tournament improvements

To maintain fair competition in CvC Tournaments, Plarium has brought the following changes:

  • CvC matchmaking will count the clan's points as a sum of each player's CvC points to avoid Tier manipulations and other problems that ensue from players entering and leaving a Clan.
  • Clan leaders will now be able to set the minimum point that will be required to collect CvC rewards. This change will ensure that the players who've made a significant contribution to victory get their deserved share of the rewards. Moreover, it'll ensure that no passer-by makes away with the benefits they don't deserve. However, this change means that your Clan leader will hold dire power over your clan members. Therefore, you should choose your clan leader wisely.

Note that the upcoming installation of the CvC Tournaments will take place between October 10 and October 12, 2023, and will function according to the old rules. Furthermore, it will have personal rewards.

Raid: Shadow Legends' other upcoming changes

Raid: Shadow Legends has been working on new QoL optimizations that include the likelihood of turning off the pop-up that shows up in the Tavern while disposing of Champions that participate in Fusions. Another thing to note here is this option is set for individual Champion. More QoL changes will be released in the future, as mentioned on the website.

The upcoming changes will also bring about some of the previously announced reworks, such as the Emic Trunkheart's Passive skill and the accelerated animation of the Shamael's A2.

To learn more about the game, click on the given link for all Raid Shadow Legends codes.

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